Exhibiting areas

Main exhibiting areas

Innovation and best practicies for the health care system.

A complete overview of products and services dedicated to hospitals, diagnostics, digital health care, orthopaedics, rehabilitation, disability and assistance, along with projects and technological solutions for the health care service.

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Technologies and products for hospitals

A wide review of products, equipment and technologies related to design and management of health facilities and hospitals and to the care and hospitalization of patients.


Professional clothing | Medical equipment and technologies | Furniture | Operating theatre equipment | Disinfection and sterilization | Hospital engineering | Hotel services management | Hospital Logistics | Disposables | Outsourcing | Medical and Surgical Devices | Cleaning and Maintenance Equipment



Products, services and initiatives for disability, orthopaedics, rehabilitation

The undisputed market leadership of the companies exhibiting at Exposanità, along with a full program of sports and cultural events, make HORUS a not to be missed opportunity for all the professionals in the sector – therapists, doctors, orthopaedic technicians, pharmacists, managers of orthopaedic shops – and an important meeting point for the disabled and their families. HORUS offers a complete overview of the best offered by the market in terms of mobility aids, sport, active life, personal care, leisure and communication, orthopaedics, sanitary items, physiotherapy and rehabilitation.


Inclusive design | Adaptations, furniture, aids and home appliances | Physiotherapy equipment and accessories | Furniture and equipment for gyms | Sanitary items | Aids and Services for people with disabilities | Aids for communication and signal | Aids for professional training | Leisure aids | Personal protection and care aids | Personal mobility aids | Orthopaedics | Equipment and solutions for rehabilitation | Posture systems



Equipment and products for diagnostic imaging and electrodiagnostic

A widespread diagnostic activity is the essential precondition for a conscious healing and rehabilitation process, as well as the key to reduce health care costs. Diagnostic imaging and electrodiagnosis in all their branches will be the focus of the training activities and dedicated for this sector.


Diagnostics imaging | Electro-diagnostics | Accessories and products


Digital health

Health care Informatics and Telemedicine

The increase in the average age and therefore in chronical diseases requires an evolution towards digital health, which has proved to be the only economically sustainable model. Therefore, the near future will see an increase in health care spending for prevention, monitoring and diagnosis and a sharp reduction in spending on treatments.

The topic is obviously at the centre of Italian political debate and is worth 1,3 billion Euros. At Exposanità, politicians and stakeholders will discuss the state of the art, best practices and indispensable actions to make the country digital and achieve citizens’ empowerment.


Hardware systems and equipment | Software systems and products | Telematics and telemedicine | e-Health projects


Third age

Solutions, products and services for the third age

For years Exposanità has focused its attention on the theme of Ageing and the management of vulnerable people at a time when the approval of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan opens new prospects and scenarios for non-self-sufficiency services.

In 2022, an important cultural programme will bring together all the players involved in the care and assistance of the elderly: owners, managers of social care facilities and public and private hospitals, general practitioners, geriatricians, physiatrists and orthopaedists, social and health workers, nurses, social workers, physiotherapists, patient associations and family caregivers.


Products and technologies  | Services  | Facilities

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