
First aid training and simulations

The certified instructors of the USL Umbria1, ANPAS Emilia Romagna and the Red Cross Emilia Romagna will organize a series of theoretical-practical training sessions for first aid workers.



BLS-D and PBLS-D and adult and pediatric disobstruction maneuvers

Intraosseous access

Management of upper respiratory tract with super-optic devices and management of difficult intubation and cervical trauma

Central vascular and peripheral eco-assisted access

Traffic accident simulation

On the 19th – 20th and 21st April from 3.00 pm to 3.30 pm visitors will have the opportunity to attend the simulation of a car accident.

The operators of USL Umbria 1 will reach the accident site with an ambulance and will have to intervene in the extrication of the passengers in the car and in their safety by using all the devices that are normally used in these circumstances.

The operators during the primary survery will use: a cervical collar, a stabilizer of the pelvis, a spinal stretcher with immobilization devices (head immobilizer, headboard and chin guard, spider).

In the secondary survey that includes a targeted ultrasound, rescue personnel will experience mild head injury and fracture of the pelvis.

Safe driving tests

In collaboration with ANPAS Emilia Romagna, in the morning of April 21st, safe driving tests on ambulances and auto-ambulances will be held within the exhibition center.

In cooperation with